School Resources
A note to parents
St. Paul’s Lutheran School is committed to educating your child(ren) alongside you as their parent. We value the partnership between home, church and school concerning the growth of your child(ren).
In Ecclesiastes 4:12 it says:
And though a man might prevail against one who is alone, two will withstand him—a threefold cord is not quickly broken.
We welcome parent volunteers!
St. Paul’s encourages parents to invest their time and talents in classrooms and around the school. We welcome parents to be involved in things like class parties, field trips, fundraisers, yearbook, and by joining specific committees. Let us help you get involved! Please read our Volunteer Policy.
School Resources
Parent/Student Handbook
Dress Code
School Calendar
2024-2025 School Year
Dress code
Uniform policy
Appropriate clothing at school is a strong reflection on the school and the character of its students. Clothing worn to school should be neat, clean, and in good taste.
All students at St. Paul’s Lutheran School are required to wear uniforms which may be obtained from through the St. Paul’s Shop at Paar Sport in Prior Lake. Opportunities to order are available several times throughout the year. You may review our Dress Code here.
There are several compelling reasons to have uniforms:
Sense of community for our school
Marketing when the uniforms are worn outside the school
Elimination of distraction
Evidence of some moderate academic improvement